DLL Wizard
DLL Wizard
Wizard Checklist
Start the Wizard
Windows Update
Reboot the computer
Defender Update
AV Scan
Defender (offline scan)
Reboot the computer
Error Checking
CPU Type
.DLL Lookup
Identify .DLL
Register .DLL
Identify Software
Remove Software
Reboot the computer
False Positives
Reinstall Software
Enable Windows Defender
Reboot the computer
Unwanted Software
Reboot the computer
Clean PC
Clean Registry
Reboot the computer
Internal .DLL Search
External .DLL Search
.DLL Install (software)
.DLL Install (system)
Register .DLL
Request .DLL
DLL Wizard : Check for windows updates

Check Windows for Updates...

To ensure the best performance and user experience, it is recommended that you keep your operating system, components, and drivers up to date. Outdated systems and drivers may cause .dll issues or reduced functionality.

To access Windows Update on your computer, you can use the search function and enter the term "Windows Update." Alternatively, you can navigate to the system settings or control panel on your computer to locate and open Windows Update.
Check for Windows updates. These updates can help fix bugs, improve security, and enhance the overall performance and stability of your system.
To ensure that your system is running smoothly and efficiently, it is important to download and install any updates that are available.
Wait for Windows Updates to complete.
To complete the process of installing Windows updates, you will need to restart your computer.

Restart PC
Restart your computer.
Return to dllwizard.com after your computer has restarted.